Friday, September 4, 2009

The art of Patience

Why is patience so hard to achieve? I try so hard to be patience but I am not a patient person. I never have been. I hate to wait in line, I hate to be behind slow drivers, my computer never moves fast enough and I hate to watch commercials. Now that I have a dvr, I don't have to do that anymore, now I record everything and fast forward through the commercials. But still I always find myself frustrated and usually it is because I have to wait for something.

Right now I am not working, my old company has closed down and turned the business over to new owners. There is a good possibility that everyone will be called back to work, but it hasn't happened yet. My problem is that I am not sure I want to go back to that type of work. I know I don't want to, but unemployment is scary and I don't want to worry about how I will pay my bills or provide for my family. I really want something else, but do I take the chance and wait for something else, knowing that it may not come along? And if it doesn't do I give up the chance of a guaranteed paycheck? I have stepped out in faith before and God has come through for me. Why do I find it so hard to do that again? Why am I still afraid to fall or fail? I know that God has plans for me that are plans for my good and that he desires to give me the desires of my heart. My head knows this but I can't always make my heart feel it.

Maybe now is my time to get closer to God and learn to listen and wait patiently for God to do his work.